How To Sell Used Clothes Online For Cash Successfully?

Due to the ever evolving digital landscape that makes it possible for continual development of e-commerce, it has now become easier to sell used clothes online than it has ever been. With the advent of dedicated e-commerce platforms and marketplaces, and the increasing demand for sustainable forms of fashion, there has never been a better time to start the business of setting used clothes than now.

Nonetheless, selling used clothes online for the purpose of making profit still requires a certain amount of time, effort, and dedication, not to talk of the technical know-hows a person needs to put in

At the end of the priceless information that we have provided in this blog post, we are sure that you will have learnt how to sell used clothes online successfully, and no longer have a problem with scaling up your already successful second hand clothing business. 


Is Selling Used Clothes Profitable? 

second hand luxury bags

Yes, selling used clothes is profitable, from a very objective perspective too. 


In 2023, the worldwide used clothes market was valued at $196.56 billion. Dealers in used clothes all around the world, both major and small business owners, recorded a great amount of profit in their annual revenue

With a CAGR of 15.07% during the period of forecast, the second hand clothing market has the potential of reaching as high as $593.72 billion by the year 2031. The growing promotion and popularity of sustainable fashion, especially via social media, has had a tremendous influence on the demand for second hand clothes globally, creating a favorable market for used clothes sellers.

However, the profitability of used clothes businesses are mostly best enjoyed by sellers who sit at the top of the food chain, or close to it. What do we mean by this, and who are the sellers that best enjoy the high profitability of the used clothes business?


The second hand clothes business is best profitable for people who buy and sell clothes in bulk online. As an online seller, you can buy used clothing bales from a reputable used clothes supplier, usually at very discounted prices and containing varieties of unique clothes, then sell online with high profit margins and low cost of business expenses.


Step #1: Sorting and Categorizing Clothes 

brand used clothes wholesale

It goes with very little doubt that if you wish to sell used clothes online successfully, you must get very familiar with the process of sorting and categorizing your merchandise. This categorization has to do with the manner with which the second hand clothes are arranged, compartmentalized, and  displayed.

If you want to earn great profit from your second hand business, you must take this step seriously and not just arrange your items randomly. A well displayed catalog of second hand clothes is appealing to the buyer, helps them find what they’re looking for faster and with much ease, and also makes stock keeping more efficient. 


Women/Men/Children’s Used Clothes 

Sorting according to gender is one of the most common ways to create an organized inventory, be it for clothes or any other life needs. Some second hand clothes stores cater to specific fashion needs, mens wear, women’s clothes, or children’s clothes. If you deal in every one of these, it is important that you categorize them into different compartments, for ease of shopping.

You must make it very easy for your customers to find the kind of clothes they are looking for. Also, sorting and categorizing women, men, or children’s used clothes in related compartments will allow customers to buy more than they initially wanted to. 

Used Branded Clothes 

Sorting according to brand can not be overlooked. There are shoppers who are dedicated to particular brand names, and categorizing used branded clothes will help them identify your online used clothes store as the best place to find these brands.

When you buy second hand branded clothes wholesale, like Nike, Puma, Champion, Levi, Polo Ralph, Lacoste, Adidas, etc., and sort them accordingly, it contributes to the general aesthetic of your shop, thereby giving customers a strong desire to buy more, even if they don’t necessarily need it at that moment.


Summer/Winter Used Clothes 

The kind of clothes that we wear tend to change according to the seasons and time of the year. There are clothes made specially for winter, there are also clothes that are best worn during summer. Wearing clothes from the wrong seasons can put a person through so much discomfort.

Therefore, it is absolutely the best business decision you can make if you sort your used clothes according to the seasons. Separate summer clothes from winter, and make sure clothes for the present season are what is being displayed more often. 


Step #2: Choosing the Right Platform 

Now that your used clothes have been properly categorized according to the needs of buyers, you must choose an online platform where they can easily get access to find these clothes and also pay for them.

To identify the right online websites to sell clothes, you must observe factors like the cost of setting it up, audience reach or user base, their selling policies, and the level of control and customization they allow.

That brings us to either choosing an already established e-commerce platform that has a waiting audience, or using your own website where you have to source for a new audience, but you get more control over your store. Let’s look at some of the popular platforms where you can sell used clothes for money.


  • Ebay 

eBay is one of the premier online platforms for buying and selling of goods, it has the largest buying audience amongst the other marketplaces. Asides a large customer base running into millions, another perk of selling on Ebay is the flexibility it offers.

Store owners can set the price of their goods to be in auction style or fixed price format. Since you are selling second hand clothes and have an expected profit margin you intend to achieve, you should use the fixed price format. You can however use auction style if you find a rare brand in your used clothes bale, there are people who will be willing to bid hundreds and thousands of dollars for rare fashion items.


  • Poshmark 

Poshmark is a B2C digital marketplace that creates a social environment for buyers and sellers to connect, it is like a social media app but in e-commerce. Poshmark helps you reach your target audience with ease, and charges a small percentage on the sales of items.

Selling your used clothes on Poshmark allows you to build a brand with a dedicated customer base, since the platform allows people interested in what you sell to follow you and be the first to receive updates on every new update to your stock. Your customers can engage with your brand, drop comments and reviews on product listings, share it with their friends, and also ask questions.


  • Depop 

Depop is an online marketplace that focuses on unique and trendy styles of vintage clothing. The platform caters for a larger younger audience and just like Poshmark, operates quite like a social media platform. The community-focused environment that Depop creates makes it an ideal place to sell your used clothes in bulk, you can build a loyal following and interact with your customers and potential buyers. 

While Depop is a great place to sell used clothes for money, it has a niche audience, and as a result, used clothes business owners using this platform must have a good eye for fashion trends and what vintage style is currently in demand, in order to succeed.


  • Vinted 

Vinted is a user-friendly digital platform for buying and selling used clothes. It has a very simple interface that makes it easy to navigate, that way, store owners do not find it difficult to list their used clothes by themselves, and buyers can go through items, add to cart, and check out with no difficulty. 

Listing on Vinted is free, and you get more control on pricing because sellers are allowed to set their own prices, and even renegotiate prices directly with buyers. Vinted is a great website to sell gently used clothes online. 


  • Thredup 

Almost two decades since it was launched, ThredUP has become an industry pacesetter for thrift and consignment wares. The platform specializes solely on the commercial distribution of second hand clothing, and prioritizes sustainability. 

Although ThredUP is a great place to sell used clothes, it offers sellers very little control. You can not choose how to organize your inventory or even set prices yourself. ThredUP takes delivery of the kits containing second hand clothes you want to sell, sort the ones in excellent condition, take pictures of them, and then list. The ones that are considered unfit to be sold are donated to Charities.


  • Building Your Own Website 

If you want to maintain complete control over how you run your used clothes business, then you might want to skip signing up with an online marketplace, and build your own website instead. Taking this approach, you need to place emphasis on web design, user experience, and ease of navigation.

The downside to creating a website to sell used clothes online is that you have to actively work on your brand, give promotional offers and discounts, all while carrying out intensive marketing. This is done in a bid to create a loyal customer base.


Step #3: Creating Effective Listings of Used Clothes  

The third step of how to sell used clothes online for cash successfully is appropriate listing. You must create an effective listing of used clothes so that shoppers can find their desired items with no hassle. Simple steps to creating effective listening includes writing compelling descriptions and posting high quality photos of the used clothes.


Writing Compelling Descriptions 

Make sure to write compelling descriptions of the item, accurately capturing the important information on them. In your description, you must include the state of the used clothes (good as new, excellent, fair, etc.).  Also ensure to provide accurate sizing data, color, kinds of clothes, whether it is women used clothes, men vintage clothes, or even children’s clothes. Try as much as possible to go straight to the point. Brief descriptions that contain the right keywords appear first in search results. 

Taking High-Quality Photos 

In hand with a compelling description, nothing sells a product faster than when buyers see high quality images of it. Take high quality photos of your used clothes stock, paying great attention to the amount of lighting provided. This allows your clothes to be presented in a brighter imagery. Studies show that listings that contain high quality photos taken from different angles tend to sell faster than those that don’t.


Step #4: Pricing Your Items 

How Much Second Hand Clothing Bales Price in Ghana

Everything you are selling comes at a price, and there are various metrics used in deciding how much each fashion item will cost. Regardless of these metrics, not all the used clothes in your inventory will sell at the same price. Some will take on a higher profit margin than the other. 

But how does one arrive at setting prices for their items?

Researching Competitor Prices 

It is recommended that you research the prices of the other stores who sell the same thing as you. You want to create a competitive field, and not one where people skip your store just to go get their used clothes somewhere else, because it is more affordable there. Having an idea of the prices other stores sell for will help you set a ceiling which your items must not exceed, that way, helping you to attract a customer base. 

Offering Discounts and Bundles 

While setting great prices in relation to that of your competitors helps you attract a new customer base, offering discounts and promotional bundles helps to secure them, and turn them into loyal returning customers. You can offer discounts on customers’ first purchases, and consequently, offer them more discounts when they buy a certain amount of clothes. This is an old trick that makes them keep coming back to buy from you. 


Step #5: Marketing Your Clothes  

Establishing a successful used clothing business line includes developing a marketing strategy that helps you sell faster and more consistently. It involves taking advantage of channels like social media to put your products in the faces of prospective buyers.

Utilizing Social Media 

In the present decade, social media has encompassed more than 80% of human living, every need and every service can be provided through social media, and that goes without saying, includes digital marketing. Apps like Tik Tok allow you create fashion content and list in the in-app shop, while they provide you with tools to help push your store to the target audience.

Engaging with Online Communities 

Another way to market your clothes is by engaging online communities. Create different pages for your online store (reddit, twitter, Pinterest, medium, etc) and use it to interact with people who have a thing for vintage clothing, or fashion generally, this helps to drive traffic to your online store.


Step #6: Managing Sales and Transactions 

Next step is managing sales and transactions. This phase is very important if you wish to sell used clothes online successfully. You need to organize your inventory and set sales policies, it helps you keep an accurate tab on business proceedings such as incoming credits, running expenses, stock, etc. When new products arrive, do well to keep records, and also when they get sold. This allows you to smash your projected profit margin, and ensures you do not run into losses. 


Step #7: Shipping and Delivery 

Who handles shipping and delivery, you, the online platform you sell on, or the buyer? Since you are selling your used clothes online, you must make sure an avenue is available to get the clothes to their new owner. Online stores that own or partner with reputable logistics companies have reported more sales than stores do not have a designated logistics partner.


Whichever shipping method you will use, endeavor to always get the clothes to your customers within three days, anything more can affect the reputation of your business.

Where to Source Used Clothes in Bulk? 

a box of donation clothes with a sticker note

Whether you intend on starting big or small, the fact remains that every business owner hopes to see their business attain the peak of their market. There are numerous sources where you can get all kinds of women and men to use clothing in bulk, but only a handful will help to guarantee that your business is successful.


Thrift Stores and Consignment Shops 

Thrift stores and consignment shops are a great place to buy used clothes and source for unique fashion items, you will usually find them in your local communities. Buying from this source gives you the advantage of sorting and picking the clothes yourself.

The disadvantage of it however is they do not offer the best prices for retailers, because they are almost like retailers themselves. So if you wish to buy a lot of used clothes to resell for profit, thrift stores and consignment shops are not a great idea. 


Online Wholesale Suppliers 

You can source used clothes in bulk from second hand clothing wholesale suppliers who sell in bales and by the kilos. They offer huge discounts since they know you are buying to resell and make profit. The bales of used clothes will contain an extensive assortment of styles and sizes, depending on the kind of clothes you requested in your order. 



To sell used clothes online for cash successfully, you have to integrate these important steps that we have discussed above. Steps like identifying your target audience, researching and understanding the market, sorting and categorizing used clothes, finding the ideal second hand clothes supplier, and choosing the right platform to float your business on. 


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